The Alley Cats

The Alley Cats: Meet the Family
We Q&A'd the Side Effect Team so you could tell which one was a Tabby and which one was a Siamese.

Tobias Manderson-Galvin

Dan Evans 

Eloise Maree 
Your friends know you as… Stinky! Ask no questions, I tell you no lies ;) Your favourite past time is.. Playing classical piano when life becomes confusing and difficult. A sonata always makes sense! Describe your role in The Alleyway Project as a piece of fruit. I would be the apple: the reliable staple of every good fruit bowl.  Tape or string? String. It is so dynamic. What kind of alleyway critter are you? There is hard evidence that I'm a street cat. What’s your trash-fession? Sneaking into every club I could when I was 17... we used to have such ingenious tricks as wearing what we considered to be 'grown up' clothes, wearing excess of makeup, handing the only 18+ ID we had down the line as each person was accepted... great lengths were taken to achieve this feat!


Daniel Maloney
If you were a girl you’d be called… Anything but Danielle. You’d really rather not…. Pay the ransom. The girl means nothing to me. If your project were a fish, it would be? Nautical. Black or white [Insert Penis Joke] If you were an animal you would be… Hunted. What’s your trashfession? I once drank a mixture of Passion Pop, Orange juice and vodka out of a hotel sink. We didn't disinfect beforehand.

Maxine Mellor
How do you have your coffee? Never. Though I love the smell of a cafe and the froth of a cappuccino. You would give up your life savings for/to…… Travel. Somewhere mountainous. Favourite Alleyway? A bit partial for the alleyway at Metro Arts, for sentimental reasons - the titles of most of my indie shows are graffitied there. Explain your role/project in recipe form. One hopeless boy, one oblivious girl and two dark confessions wrapped up in a dark alleyway. Serve chilled, cut in two. You are known as a…… Mountain goat wordsmith. What’s your trash-fession?  I once saw what I'm pretty sure was a dirty, leathery woman giving a handjob to a guy outside a Nightowl in the valley in the middle of the day. Why's it a trash-fession? Well, I kept watching. From my window at my old work above the bakery on Brunswick Mall. As a writer it was such an interesting assortment of expressions to see on one man's face - embarrassment, excitement, frustration, reluctant graciousness - and her dogged determination, toothless charm and sheer boldness to continue despite passerbys. Thankfully they recapped their bottles of coke, retied their jumpers around their middles, picked up their legionnaire's caps and cigarettes, and moved on before any happy or sad endings. And I turned back to work.

Eloise Maree 

Athalia Foo

You’re obsessed with…. clever marketing and design, art that makes you feel something, cakes from Pearl Cafe and Belle Epoque, the naked female form and clusters of brand new shopping bags! Milk crate or trash can? Milk crate = storage, trash can = just trash. Of these three which would you be: dirty pigeon, filthy ibis, trash-picker crow? It's a hard choice between the hyperactive pigeon and the trash-picker crow - they like to help their bruthas out, see. Something no one knows about you is…. I have trouble reading analog watches and clocks. If your role in the Alleyway Project were an item of clothing it would be… the perfect pair of shoes! What’s your trashfession? One weekend my two best friends and I were out for some night time fiascoes in the Valley. We got separated (I went to visit another friend) in which time my friends had bar hopped from what used to be Jungle, to Bowler Bar and then Tempo for cheap drinks. After several unsuccessful attempts to contact my intoxicated friends one finally picked up, told me to meet them at an alleyway near a 7/11 (aka basically every street corner in the Valley haha). It took me a good 10 minutes to find them, and when I finally did they were down an alley I hadn't been down before (normally it's barred off by a big, chain-locked metal gate - it was private property, you see). I squeezed myself through the half opening, and the ground underneath me slowly turned from bitumen into loose gravel. And there they were, sitting together - crumpled heaps of intoxicated laughter, singing forgotten 80s ballads and baying at the moon! If anything protected us from being identified by passers by it was the blanket of night time, cos lets face it - they were yelling enough to wake the dead from their ancient graves. I've never loved two human beings more then at that moment.

Lucy Thornett

Lucie McIntosh