Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Platform 9 3/4

Okay so it wasn't Harry Potter but gosh darn was the launch magical!! 

We were so busy watching people dance in their underwear on a platform and train that we didn't get time to get our own photos to show you... SHOOT!

Thankfully the Anywhere Theatre Festival crew had it all covered :) And our producer and resident playwright Eloise Maree agreed to take notes on how the amazing event unfolded :D

OH and lets not forget the very accomodating Queensland Rail and the local public :) couldn't have been this fantastic without you.

See the launch through Eloise's eyes:

We were standing on a train platform, the breeze rippling through the hair of four girls [barely] dressed in duct tape. A small cluster of statues began to move, Butoh-style. Green gremlins teased and twisted our arms. Yes, this is the Anywhere Theatre Festival launch – Roma Street Station, Platform Three.

“All aboard the Anywhere Express!” The cry was heard and we jumped on to the sound of business suits dancing cabaret, immigrants being hoarded from one side of the carriage to the other and the cheeky gremlins trading our watches with sunglasses with water bottles and lip gloss.

The train slowly twisted along the tracks to arrive at Exhibition Station – where we were awarded with small cubes of sweaty cheese decorated with American flags. For some reason, we embarked on a sing-a-long to the theme song of Friends (this must be a part of the crazy, hypnotic effect of the festival) then watched two dancing bodies glistening and jumping on burning concrete while acrobats juggled colourful scarves. The Anywhere Theatre Festival program has arrived...

Yay for adventures ahead! Just over ONE MONTH until Anywhere Theatre Festival begins - anywhere and everywhere!

The Alleycats xo

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