Monday, 2 April 2012

GUEST BLOG: Hello, name my Ben is

Benjamin Jackson is one of the project's incredibly talented actors (not to mention he's got a killer beard that grows back every day without fail).

He hasn't introduced himself below, but either way it tells you a thing or two about this lad.
What am I talking about!? Take a read and find out:

It’s always very difficult to talk about yourself isn’t it? You try your hardest to purvey your best traits in a concise and informative way without reeking of self importance and higher (than normal) self worth.  SO, to combat this I propose I tell you lies, purely as they will be more entertaining and so that YOU may come and see the show, meet me in person, and come to your own evaluation on who I am.
I was born a whale and after seeing a performance of ‘Marry Poppins’ I decided to invest in an umbrella and become a human performer. As you can imagine the transition between whale and human was not easy and many of my aquatic friends thought I was acting like a bit of a porpoise.
My first role onstage was that of ‘Eric the Eel’ in a play recreating 100m freestyle heat where Eric Moussambani set a new Equatorial Guanine record of 1:52.72. As I was a former whale the director saw it fit to cast me as the leading role. Overall the play received much scrutiny, as the crucial laps purveyed we swam to quickly and far to elegantly.
It can also be said that Richard Hammond is my greatest idol. Not because he drives fast cars for a living, nor the fact that he is punching well above his weight in the lady department. No. I idolize Richard Hammond because he lives in Wales. Enough said.
-Benjamin Jackson.

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